- Villie Morocho Zurita, Luis Pérez Vidal and Fèlix Saltor. Database Schema Detection and Mapping on Mobile Applications: An Ontology-based Approach. In proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Databases and Applications. Innsbruck, Austria. Feb, 2004
- Villie Morocho, Lluís Pérez-Vidal and Fèlix Saltor. Semantic Integration on Spatial Databases: SIT-SD prototype. In proceedings of VIII Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos JISBD’03, Alicante, Spain. Nov, 2003
- Villie Morocho, Lluís Pérez-Vidal, and Fèlix Saltor. Ontologías en el mapeo de esquemas de BD espaciales (in spanish). Conferencia ESRI 2003, Madrid, Spain, Oct 2003.
- Villie Morocho Zurita, Fèlix Saltor and Lluis Pérez Vidal. Schema Integration on Federated Spatial DB across ontologies. In proceedings of Engineering Federated Information Systems, Coventry United Kingdom. Jul,2003
- Villie Morocho Zurita, Fèlix Saltor and Lluis Pérez Vidal. Ontologies : Solving Semantic Heterogeneity in a Federated Spatial Database System. In proceedings of fifth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems 2003, Angers-France. Apr,2003
- Villie Morocho Zurita, Fèlix Saltor and Lluis Pérez Vidal. Tower integration of spatial database. JSIG’01 Almagro-España. nov., 2001. (En espagnol)
- Villie Morocho. Analysis of new information sources of semistructured data (as geographics data) for a loosely coupled FDBS. (Not published), LSI-UPC, 2001
- Villie Morocho. Analysis of possibilities of XML as tool for developed a FDBS of loosely coupled of structured data and semi structured data. Technical Report LSI-01-01-T, LSI-UPC, 2001